Glossary (A-M)

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Glossary (A-M)

Messaggio da Aldebaran »

Here is a glossary for you on the Japanese sword, missing a deadline but will be able to 'be very useful for beginners to understand the words' significant:

Here is a glossary for you on the Japanese sword, but missing a deadline can? be very useful for beginners to understand more words? significant:

• AGAR TACHI: also called GITO, imitation toy for a ceremonial sword.
• AHIOTORU: new heating wire with a blade after a bad temper.
• AI: harden.
• AIKUCHI: So that type of blade reaches 30 cm. mounted without Tsuba, also called KUSUN GOBU (9.5 sun) and MANY YORO DOSHI are sometimes mounted in that manner.
• Aitor: annealing, heat the blades at medium temperature to neutralize the internal tensions generated after hardening of the wire.
• AIZUCHI (L. hardening brothers) are the three assistants (also known as men hammer) each had his blacksmith shop, they are:
1) TSUCHIGASHIRA - foreman
2) NAKAZUCHI - half brother
3) OTOZUCHI - younger brother
• NO AKIHAGI tsuyu "stain" to dewdrop that may be present on the line for tempering.
• AMAKUNIGARA: dragon-shaped incision that wraps around a sword (see horimono and / or GITO).
• AMANURU KANE: special steel used for blades forged from the province of NiO Kiyotsuna SUWÔ appearing weak and mottled with light and dark surface.
• AOBIE: short sword of bamboo.
• AOBUCHI: steel blue with dark grain in the province of SOSHÛ vortex.
• AOGOKORO: Bizen blades manufactured from school with characteristics similar to those of the school BITCHU AOE.
• NO AOSAN Mitsuko: HAMON law made by blacksmiths and Bizen Sanenaga Shogen Nagamitsu similar to those of blacksmiths schools BITCHU AOE and BINGO MIHARA.
• AOYAKI NO KITA: a golden-white line along the dark side of the JI.
• ARA-NIE: NIE type larger and coarser.
• NO MIDARE ARAR: HAMON typical of old schools or schools SANEMORI Yasutsune Hoki, consisting of short irregular lines mixed here and there "on HAMON.
• ARASHIAGE: a roughing blade.
• ARATOGI: rough sharpening a blade, before quenching, performed by lying blacksmith.
NOTE: The term derives from the first stone used for polishing just call Arata, grade 150.
• ARATOMATSU: mixture of clay and stone powder used to cover part of a blade during the tempering process.
• ASAGIDO: ancient wheel of swords used by blacksmiths.
• ASAI NOTE: HAMON slightly wavy.
• Asashi: bass (adjective) used to define the angle of the Mune or a weak formation of NIE.
• ASHI: leg or foot, small lines that are detached from formations or NIE NIOI (temper line).
• ASHI NAGA (foot long) ASHI longer than normal.
NOTE: ASHINAGA is a character from Japanese mythology with very long legs.
• ASHI SADAMARU: HAMON decided to stretch, straight or slightly wavy.
• ASHIGITAE: a method of folding the metal during the forging process of blade.
• ASHINAGA Choji: Choji of typical form, with ASHI longer than normal.
• Asobi Kokoro: HAMON Choji type that is a mixture of schools and Yamashiro ichimonji Yoshioka.
• Asobi TAMA: stain-shaped gem sometimes visible along the HAMON certain spadai.
• ATOBI: grooves (HI) side (when) dug a knife in time after its forging by another locksmith.
• ATOBORI: designs engraved on a knife then to decorate or hide defects (see horimono).
• Awad-DO: whetstone.
• Awad Hada: lines or sections that you see on the surface of Bizen blades, or other blades that have been polished to make them look old.
• AYASUGI: corrugated steel material due to processing with a special chisel called a "round nose", then after hammering until riappiattimento, usually performed by blacksmiths Gassan and Satsuma NAMINOHIRA (see Hada).
• azuki MIDARE: HAMON that resembles a line formed by "small beans".
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• Baga MONO: blades forged by blacksmiths from groups below average.
• Beat: extracting a knife to the fight.
• Bohi: wide channels that cover almost the entire surface of shinogi.
• Bohi SOYEBI: double groove blades, one large and one narrow.
• bokuto: also known as Bokken, imitation of a wooden sword worn by doctors.
• BONJI: Sanskrit characters used by Buddhist monks, were used as invocations to the gods.
• BOSH: shape of the hardening line on the tip of the blades.
• BOSH AGARU: loss of BOSH for breaking the tip or other causes.
• BOSHIGATA: small round BOSH typical school Yamashiro.
• BOSHISAKI the tip of the BOSH.
• BOTANA BA: HAMON peony shaped flower about 15 cm. from the tip of the typical blacksmith Chikuzen SA.
• BOTANA UTSURI: UTSURI peony shaped flower that appears on the school Bizen blades manufactured between 1250 and 1330.
• BO-UTSURI: UTSURI shaped stick that has a "rainbow effect".
• BUDACHI: generic name for swords used for war.
• Bugei "martial arts" military (sword and weapons "noble").
• BUGEITÔ Sword military is usually some kind of ancient ceremonial TACHI.
• Buke: SAMURAI.
• BA BUND: opp. FUND BA line hardening of a blade-shaped balance weights (Japanese).
• KITA NO BUN: is called when half the surface of a blade is slightly white, appears in many short blades type Shobu TSUKURI blacksmiths school BINGO.
• BUWÔ TACHI: special swords dating back to about 750, for a specific type of dance originated in China.
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• CHABANE MIDARE: Choji with rounded ends like the petals of flowers.
• CHIGAU MIDARE: HAMON typical oblique blades BITCHU school.
• Chigusa: Harima particular steel product, containing a carbon content between 0.7 and 0.8 percent.
• Chiisa KATANA (L. small sword) term for all swords KATANA shorter than the "standard", but otherwise used to indicate those blade length from the Katana and Wakizashi.
• Hiya KOMASAME: straight or slightly wavy grain of spadai group SUWÔ NIO.
• Hiya MIDARE: HAMON irregularly corrugated schools and KONGÔBYÔE Miike.
• CHIKEI: This is a line faintly visible, grayish, slightly curved running between the grain surface of a blade and it seems (for visual effect) be below the surface, similar to KINSUJI and Inazuma.
• CHIKA: a bamboo sword or a sword duel on bamboo in ancient times it was customary to cut the umbilical cords of newborns with a knife of this type.
• CHIR: small flat surface on one or both sides of the groove of a blade could be single and to the shinogi (KATACHIRI) or double (RYÔCHIRI).
• Choji: HAMON shaped folds of "clove" - there are many varieties.
NOTE: "clove" is the English name of the dried buds eugenic Caryofyllata, also improperly called "cloves".
• Choji-MIDARE: HAMON shaped Choji mixed with another irregular.
• Choji Kage: HAMON to Choji containing shiny spots that seem to shadow.
• CHOKE (L. sword upright) type of sword with single strand found in prehistoric burial mounds (see Tsuruga).
• Chu-handachi: TACHI of medium length.
• Chu-SUGUBA: HAMON right average width (which follows the curvature of the blade).
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• Dabir-HIRO: a type of very large sword ... a bit 'wider.
• Dabir-SEBA: a type of very large sword ... a bit 'less wide.
• Daijiro: BOSH curvature that resembles a rifle butt.
• Daishi (L. large-small) a pair of swords, long and short, with blades or frames similarly paired.
• DAITO (L. great sword) generic name for all blades longer than 2 shaku (katana and tachi).
• DAI TSUKE: the estimated value of a sword in the Ashikaga period that was assigned in Oban and around 1600 in Koban, as the Americans and of course the Japanese major collectors today are used internationally dollars and yen, for convenience, some traders was used, especially in the postwar period but sometimes today, a unit specially created corresponding to ten thousand (10,000) yen.
• DANBIRA V. Dabir.
• DANDANBA: HAMON particularly where alternate sections of KOMID to both large Choji every 7 or 8 cm. about.
• Datta: undressing the sword against Haiti.
• DE-AI-ZASHI: Sword of rather poor quality to be used "every day" (see TSUN ZASHI).
• DENAORI: blade unwind.
• DENCHU-ZASHI: sword wearing "a palace".
• Dengaku YAKI: manufacturing technique that makes use of a large fan instead of the bellows to heat the coal for the hardening phase, this system was exactly the blacksmith Yokoyama Kozuke Daiji Sukesada.
• Customs: metal clamp that is sometimes found around the handles
• DÔKEN and hoko: swords and daggers of copper during the Bronze Age.
• Doran V. Toran.
• NO DOYÔ Juka: HAMON Choji on which are two different sizes.
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• EBIRA gatana: KATANA particularly long and carried over back, the same as seoi KATANA.
• EBOSHIGATA: BOSH that looks like a hat court.
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• FÛHA: slots on YAKIBA, characteristics of the group not Kaibu AWA.
• Fuki-Oroshi V. Oroshi Tetsu.
• fukuro: the small wire that is part of a blade tip (the tip of the wire), four main types:
1) fukuro KAKU: very curved
2) fukuro KARERU: right
3) fukuro SUGU: almost straight
4) fukuro TSUKU: Curved
• fukuro Kokoro: BOSH typical blacksmith school YAMATO.
• fukuro: defect See KIZU, air bag.
• fukuro WO FUSERU: leveling operation of small bulges.
• fukuro Choji: Choji shaped bag similar to the shape of a tadpole.
• FUNAGATA: type NAKAGO very arched and tapering said-shaped keel of a ship. "
• FUNBARI: blade widens dramatically in the vicinity of the MACH (down from the tip to the shank).
• Furisode: NAKAGO arched toward the back edge parallel but as the "sleeve of her kimono."
• FURUMICHI: HAMON type Choji Choji in which they are irregular in size, characteristic of Bizen smith Mitsutada.
• FUSHIBA: HAMON breakpoints of law, in the form of small knots typical sharp blades MINO group.
• FUTAEBA: typical double line quenching groups BITCHU and BINGO, blades or restore (See DENAORI).
• FUTA-BOSCH: BOSCH forming a double line even back to back, only revealed on the blades of the blacksmiths Sadamune, Higo no Kuniyoshi and Fujishima Tomoshige no.
• Futami YARI: spear tip double.
• FUTASUJI BI double JI (flute) NIHON also called BI, the two grooves are equal and parallel.
• FUTAYE-BA: HAMON consists of a double row of crystals and NIOI NIE.
• FUTATOKORO MONO (L. things the two places and / or supplied to two), this term refers to a pair of Kozuka and Koga.
• FUTATSU-BA: HAMON Choji matched to typical group Katayama ichimonji.
• FUTOKORO Katana dagger time, without Tsuba, which was hidden in the clothes.
• Futo Yasur: coarse file marks on NAKAGO.
• FUTSU Mune V. Ihor Mune.
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• GAKUMEI He was named the operation to restore, with technical details, the original signature of the swordsmith NAKAGO shortened.
NOTE: When changing a blade owner was sometimes necessary to shorten it, and obviously this was done by the NAKAGO, which could lead to data loss engraved (V Ô-suriage).
• Gassan Hada: type of grain surface origin for chisel with a chisel and then rounded riappiattendo the surface (see Hada AYASUGI).
• GENNÔBA Tetsu V. Jami Tetsu.
• GIJÔTÔ: ceremonial swords from the court, with several styles of frame, indicating the rank of the owner.
• GINBI KEN: Ken sword-type grooves.
• GINKEN: Sword of ordinary steel with silver plated accessories used as a gift.
• GIN HAS NO: silver line from two to eight cm long. that appears along the straight or on the surface hardening of blades Kagemitsu.
• GINSUJI: Silver Line to similar KINSUJI on YAKIBA.
• I GISAKU: blade forged or imitation.
• GITO: A generic term for ceremonial sword, used mainly to accompany gifts of money - the same that Hagar TACHI, wooden frame with golden decorations.
• Goban-Kaji, the famous twenty-four (24) blacksmiths who were selected to serve and educate the emperor Gotoba (1184-1210) served on the other six 'exile on the island of Oki.
• GOKENBA: HAMON pattern consists of groups of three or five sharp zig-zag pattern created by the swordsmith MINO Seki No Magoroku.
• GOMABASHI: horimono typically consists of two thin parallel grooves engraved with the initiation of a TSUM each.
• KITA GOMA: forging process "five layers made by schools of Bizen and SÔSHÛ.
• GOMEIKEN is defined as the group of five swords famous throughout Japan, and their names and authors are:
1) Mikatsushi Munechika Sanja Kokaji Munechika
2) Onimaru Kunitsuna of Yamashiro Awataguchi Kunitsuna
3) Ôdenta Miike tries Mitsuyo
4) Dôjikiri Yasutsune Hoki no Yasutsune
5) Juzumaru of Bitchu not Tsunetsugu
• GOSH-YAKI not TACHI: blades forged by Goban-kaji Tsuguiye and Tsugunobu, and tempered by the Emperor Gotoba; same as Kiku no Gosaku.
• ergonomics: HAMON shaped "round stones for the game of GO" composed of contiguous semicircles of medium size, quite characteristic.
• ergonomics-MIDARE: HAMON composed of a mixture of two different types MIDARE ergonomics and ergonomics or a more rugged.
• GOSH-YAKI not TACHI: blades forged by Goban Kaji Tsuguiye and Tsugunobu Gotoba and tempered by the emperor and marked with a chrysanthemum (KIKU) also called KIKU GOSAKU no.
• GUNOME: same as ergonomics.
• GUNT: military swords with blades manufactured by machine, usually with metal scabbard.
• Gyaku: inverted or opposite corner (using the shape of HAMON).
• Gyaku-ashi (foot inverted L.) ASHI upside down in the HAMON.
• Gyaku-Choji: HAMON type Choji to design upside down.
• Gyaku TAKANOHA: Signs of a file on NAKAGO "feathered hawk reversed.
• GYOKEN OKIYÔ: the position of the sword carried by the Emperor on the left.
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• HA: the edge of the blades.
• HA AGAR KURIJIRI: terminator NAKAGO "U" irregular.
• Habak: copper collar that wraps the blade just above the NAKAGO to secure the blade firmly in its sheath, there are many styles.
• Habak-MOTO: the first part of the blade about 8 cm adjacent to Habak TEMOTO also called "part of the blade close to hand."
• Habak-shit: the part of the blade covered by Habak.
• HABIKI: metal stick used by police that same JITE
• HA-HOLES: dividing line between the JI and YAKIBA.
• HACHIWARA: a short stick defense also called "helmets break.
• Hada: cloth surface of the blade.
• hadaka TOMO Tsurugi: generic name given to a thousand blades sword made rimless at the time of Emperor Nintoku.
• Hagan: steel in general.
• HAGARAMI: lack of a blade (see KIZU).
• Hagi MIDARE NO: line temperature characteristic of the school SÔSHÛ.
• Hagi tsuyu NO: NIE type crystals that reflect the colors as "dewdrops."
• HAGIRE: KIZU small cracks formed by the wire.
• Haiti: "wear" the sword, the opposite of Datta.
• HAKAGE: is said to shiny areas (more reflective) of a type HAMON Choji, the blades of the swordsmith Nagamitsu.
• Hakase: a sword when it is carried by a man (See Haiti)
• Hake Kokoro: BOSH gradient crystal type that resembles NIE weak signs of brush.
• Haki TACHI: sword for use in "daily" of suitable length to him the door.
• HAKIZOE Kodachi: a short TACHI brought together with a longer one.
• HAKIZOE TACHI: TACHI the second, when they are brought to two.
• HAKIKAKE: lines that give an effect brush along the HAMON.
• HAKKAKERU: effect on brush BOSH.
• HAKO BA: HAMON regular large rectangles (Greek) and KAGA Bizen school.
• HAKO Mune: the back plate of a blade.
• HAKUJIN (L. white sword) a blade "nakedness".
• HAKUJIN: white man (a Westerner).
• HA MACHI: the "step" of a blade at the point where it joins the NAKAGO; serves as the firm Habak.
• HAMAGURI: blade so big that its section recalls the outline of a particular bivalve shell.
• HAMAGURI BA: blade that has a swelling along the wire.
• HAMIDASHI: BOTH Tsuba with rather small.
• HAMIDASHI-MIDARE: HAMON irregular whose tips extend deep into JI.
• HA-MITSU KADO: the point between Yokota shinogi (and KOSHINOGI) on the tip of a blade.
• HAMON: (L. ripple or design of the HA) line hardening, the two main types are: straight (SUGUBA) and irregular (Choji, GUNOME, MIDARE) is the outline of YAKIBA, there are many designs.
• HANABI "creeks" in the irregular pattern of HAMON.
• HANAREBA: surface areas of hardened spots, separated by YAKIBA, and then on JI.
• HANARURU FUJI NO HANA NO NIE: NIE-shaped groups of wisteria which may occur over time as in the HAMON.
• HANA YAKIBA: HAMON irregular feature of the blades of Yamashiro no Nobukuni swordsmith.
• handachi V. HANTACHI.
• Getsu-HAN: tempering area shaped like a half moon on YAKIBA present.
• HANKENSAKI: BOSH particularly sharp design "as a sword smiths of BITCHU.
• HAS NO kage: shadow and / or dark reflections that may be present in a HAMON type Choji.
• HAS NO Sister: HAMON type MINO groups of drawings of various sizes.
• HANTACHI: KATANA whose frame is in part similar to a tachi.
• HANZASHI Kozuka: Kozuka small inserted in the frame of a small BOTH.
• Harakiri (L. cut belly) that is suicide by cutting the abdomen, the same as Seppuku.
• Hasui-YAKIBA: HAMON oblique characteristic, typical of the group Katayama ichimonji.
• HA-TSUYA: YAKIBA when it appears is called the light-colored and shiny, has the same name was one of the last stone and polishing.
• HAZAKAI: boundary of YAKIBA and JI.
• HAZEYAKA: surface crystal clear and shiny like NIE.
• HAZURE: striations in some areas of the blades HAMON SUGUBA YAMATO.
• Heiji TACHI: military swords (See BUGEITÔ).
• HEI NAKAGO: NAKAGO right ending with a large triangle.
• HESH Tetsu-I: method of production of steel swords from pieces of steel products for previously cast iron sands.
• HEYAZASHI: the sword is said to flow in clothes.
• HI grooves etched on a blade (Note: this also colasangue).
• Hijikata Hada: drawings that may appear on the surface of a blade-shaped algae.
• Hijiri KATANA: short blade with the handle of hard reddish wood.
• HIKAGE: dark designs that may appear on the surface of a blade similar to a UTSURI (reflected) in the form of Choji.
• Hiki Hada: quoi to cover the blades of knives.
• Himuro: one is called HI irregular excessive cleaning (abrasion) or poor workmanship.
• NO KAKITOME HI HI that forms the base of a blade.
• HIRA: flat surface of a blade.
• HIRA Mune: the back of a knife that is flat.
• HIRA NO Mitsuko: type of blade very wide and thick Kaibu not typical of the AWA.
• HIRA YAMAGATA: basic NAKAGO round shaped seeds (V. KURIJIRI).
• HIRA zukuri (L. built flat) a flat blade when it is without shinogi.
• HIRAZAYA TACHI: the TACHI when not worn, but placed on the media called "the imperial carriage."
• HIRO SUGUBA: YAKIBA wide and straight that follows the curvature of the wire.
• Hisako AGARU-HI that reaches beyond the Yokota.
• Hisako-SAGARU: HI it reaches the Yokota.
• HISHU V. Tosu.
• HITATSURA: HAMON type that extends over the entire blade usually patchy.
• HITOYE Habak: Habak in one piece; Niju H. Wari or H. 2 pieces.
• hitsu V. Hitsu ANA.
• hitsu ANA: one or two holes that may be present on the Tsuba of a sword by which the KOGA and / or Kozuka are inserted into the appropriate pockets of the slider.
• HIZUKURI: final stage of forging a blade, which is given its final shape.
• HO: Kozuka blade.
• HOCH Tetsu: mild steel containing 0.1 to 0.3% carbon.
• HÔJI MONO: blade tempered by the same blacksmith who has forged, at a later time.
• Hoken (L. treasure sword) sword belonging to a temple (like Ken).
• HOKKOKU Hada: weak whitish reflections found on the surface of the back of some blades of blacksmiths in the provinces of Echigo, Echizen and Etchu.
• HOKKOKU-MIDARE: HAMON mixture of zigzag irregular shapes with sharp edges.
• Honam name of a famous family of blades officially licensed evaluators.
• Honam MEI: signature engraved award in red or gold, from family members Honam.
• Honam TOGI: secret method of polishing the blades of your family Honam.
• HON KITA: forging the initial pieces of steel, rolled products, form the blade.
• HONSANMAI Gita process of forging a blade that provides the union of three pieces of steel.
• HON-zukuri: blade normal form, with the shinogi (the same shinogi zukuri).
• horimono (L. things engraved) engraving on the blades.
• HORIMONOSHI artists engravers horimono.
• Hoshi (L. stars) crystals on the NIE on HAMON YAKIBA or characteristic of the province of spadai BITCHU.
• Hoshi no YUBASHIRI: YUBASHIRI that shine like stars.
• HOSO-dachi: TACHI thin and light not to be used except in decorative role.
• HOSOJI: BOSH thin and sharp and characteristic of Bizen SÔSHÛ schools.
• HOSO KOGATANA: old, thin knife used by sealers (also HOSOSABI).
• Hosomi: a thin blade, also called Hosomi zukuri no tachi.
• HOSO SABI: thin knife quoted in ancient books.
• HOSO SUGUBA: YAKIBA thin and straight, that same ITO-SUGUBA.
• HOTSURE: HAMON which is presented as a series of parallel lines.
• HOTSURE Hada: irregular mixture of straight between Hada (Masami) and nodes (ITAM) that is typical of School MINO.
• HOYAKEMONO: is called blade damaged by fire so serious that can not occur with the following features:
1) HAMON "faded" and weakened;
2) the surface appears glassy;
3) appear on the surface crystals scattered NIE;
4) HAMON sometimes invisible;
5) depletion of surface reflections;
6) YAKIBA white wire but poorly distinguishable.
• HYÔTAN BA: HAMON irregular pattern of scattered round pumpkins.
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• I: V. The SAKU.
• IBUS: BOSH broad and rounded TACHI of manufacture of products from the north.
ICHIMAE • BOSH: BOSH that takes all the tip of a blade.
• ICHIMAE Gita blade forged from one piece of metal, technical school Higo Dotanuki.
• ichimonji: (nature of the symbol L. a) the name of the school of smiths who have signed with the character ICHI, indicating 1 man.
• ichimonji Kaer: particularly horizontal BOSH return to the back (same as ICHIMAI Kaer).
• Ihor Mune: the angle of the back of a knife.
• IKAR kissaki: large curvature of the blade tip.
• IKUBI: neck of the boar; tip of a very short blade.
• IMON TSURU: HAMON formed by a thick line NIE crystals similar to the roots of sweet potatoes.
• Inazuma: lightning-like lines on YAKIBA or on Hada.
• The No-Me-BA (L. eye pork) HAMON particular found on the blades of the blacksmith Hiromitsu.
• IRO: (color, tint) color YAKIBA Hada and when they are almost identical, and it is faded HAMON, found on blades of the BINGO.
• IROKOGATA: HAMON that looks like a row of fish scales.
• IRO No Oshii: color steel blue sky pale find on blades of the Yamashiro.
• The SAKU: build and / or make for fun, hobby.
• ISEKI BOSH: BOSH which stops or closes on the wire back on it.
• ISHIKE: a blade that may contain impurities that are as small pebbles.
• ISSHAKU SANZUN: 1 shaku exactly long weapon and 3 SUN and therefore this is a shot.
• ITAM Hada: design on the blade surface similar to the knots in the wood.
• ITAM Hada NAGARU: outpouring of terminations of drawing ITAM.
• ITOCHIKAKI: crystal light type on a NIOI HAMON type SUGUBA.
• ITOGOKORO: HAMON BITCHU school that looks like a braided wire.
• ITOKEBA: HAMON that looks like a twine with shiny crystals scattered NIE.
• No SADAM ITO: close YAKIBA type SUGUBA with a little crystal type NIOI.
• No WAKACHI ITO: YAKIBA thin, straight blades on the YAMATO group.
• ITO SUGUBA: YAKIBA close parallel to the blade (also SUGUBA HOSO).
• ITO wo HIKU: line type crystals NIOI that looks like a shiny silk thread.
• No Hada Itsutsu: the five drawings of the cloth on the blade.
1) Matsukawa - pine bark
2) Mokum - knots round wood
3) Nogi Hada - grains of millet
4) Kumo - clouds - white mixed with blue
5) Nashiji Hada - surface similar to a slice of pear.
• No Itsutsu IRO: the five colors that can be made from steel of a blade worked:
1) black - dark and muddy
2) Asagiiro - like a very dark blue sky
3) as a blue sky
4) blue water
5) crystalline blue water
• No Itsutsu KANE: the five types of steel in accordance with the process:
1) soft - soon forged - very common
2) persistent - very lightweight forged steel
3) well-tempered - the same as the previous forged
4) well-forged and tempered (generally intended to pro)
5) well-purified
it worked so long to be completely devoid of the smallest impurities.
• IZUHA: type of steel from the Izu region, containing from 0.8 to 1.0% carbon.
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• Jami: Tetsuo: The type of steel containing 0.3 to 0.4 carbon.
• JI: (L. Field, top) surface of a blade between the HAMON and shinogi (See JIGANE).
• JIARE: surface of a blade "tired", polished too many times.
• Jiabao: a type of small spots on the surface of a blade coming from HAMON.
• JIFU: fine white grain is in the form of small C, O or S, seen on the surface of blades of the Bizen.
• No JIFU makikomi: HAMON that looks like white strips wrapped.
• Jiga: ritual suicide of women who, unlike men, he cut the throat.
• JIGANE: steels used to forge the blades are divided into:
1) HOCH Tetsu - soft iron with many impurities.
2) Oroshi Tetsu - pieces of iron derived from the merger.
3) SEN Oroshi Tetsu - cast iron, white and gray
4) Hagan Oroshi Tetsu - pieces of iron castings from metal-bearing sands.
5) MIZUHESHI Tetsu - pieces of iron castings, forgings and partially cooled in water.
6) NANBAN Tetsu - imported iron.
The steel for the blades were made by mixing these 6 types.
• JIGÔSHI: Hada that shows drawings of large (relatively) structure.
• Jihad: design or fabric of Hada in many forms.
• JI Hangetsu: body designs crescent on JI.
• JI IRO: color of the surface of a blade.
• JIJAKUSHI: drawings of weak grain of JI.
• JI KONETSUCHI: surface structure of a blade similar to clay, found on blades of school Higo Enju.
• JINDACHI: same as TACHI, long sword that hung door.
JI • NIE: NIE-type surface that gives the impression of being almost "frozen".
• No tsuyu JI: "dots" in the form of gems "they glitter like fog on the blades Moriiye Bizen school.
• Jinta: TACHI fighter, a sword of war.
• JIN Wakizashi: Medium length sword that was brought together to TACHI
• No Hada Jishi: Hada NASHIJI similar to the type, but more subtle, on some of the old blades BITCHU.
• JITSUYA: is called when the JI appears much darker than the rest of a metal blade.
• Jitte: another name for HABIKI; iron rod with a hook on the side used by police.
• JIYAKI: HAMON partially double blades on school SÔSHÛ.
• Jizo GASHIRA: detail Bosh, who recalls the shaved head of Monaco Jizo.
• Jizo GATA: BOSH like GASHIRA Jizo, on most of the blades of the MINO group.
• Jizo Hada: Hada the end grain with clear and dark round spots, sometimes present on the blades of the BITCHU.
• Juka: blade refreshed or otherwise re-heated.
• JÛKABA: HAMON large Choji, the spadai Kunisuke and Yoshimi.
• Juka Choji: a type of double Choji.
• No SAKAASHI Juka: detail of the design of Juka Choji, where ASHI are inclined towards the tip.
• Jumonji No KITA: a cross-shaped design that may appear on some blades at about 15 cm. from the tip.
• No Jusan Mitsuko: thirteen (13) highlights the analysis of a blade:
1) grain surface (see Hada)
2) shape (long, short, wide, etc.).
3) curvature (deep, light, toward the base or tip)
4) hardening of the wire line (see HAMON)
5) tempering line "wire tip (V. BOSH)
6) line termination on the back of the BOSH (short or long)
7) form the spine (See Mune)
8) surface color (if not hardened)
9) type of NIE in HAMON
10) type in NIOI HAMON
11) color of the surface hardened
12th) thickness and height of the shinogi shinogi JI.
13) any incisions
• Fireball: officer in charge of the imperial guard around 760 AD.
• JUZUBA: a type of guy HAMON ergonomics similar to a Buddhist rosary.
Back to head
• Kabuto Wari (L. splits helmets) is a tool pyramid with a square section 30 cm long. ending with a hook; Kusunoki Masashige it was produced by a Masamune, and then all subsequent copies were signed after the famous blacksmith.
• KADOBA V. HAKO MIDARE; Hamon squared "in Greek."
• Kaena: BOSH-shaped flame.
• Kaer: Return of the BOSH that looms over the back of a knife.
• KAERUKO: HAMON similar to the type Choji.
• KAGEHI: when on a blade is a double-HI, the gap gets smaller name.
• KAI GUNT: Sword of modern marina (See GUNT).
• KAI MIHARA: lame school BINGO MIHARA hardened total (HITATSURA).
• KAI shinogi L. Shinogi shell, meaning is not clear, perhaps pointing to the shell.
• KAI shinogi TACHI: TACHI type sword with the tip thick and round.
• Kaji: swordsmith, Nihon Kaji - Japanese swordsmith.
• KAJIBI: HI is said engraved by the same blacksmith who forged the blade.
• Kakar: HAMON tips of a very irregular going to the Mune.
• KAKIHADA (L. Hada fake) knife with a fake HAMON made with acid even in the process of tempering.
• KAKIHAN: seal a blacksmith sometimes affix his signature under the NAKAGO
• KAKI Nagashi: HI to a termination point.
• TOSHI KAKI: HI, which continues until the end of NAKAGO.
• KAKU DOME: termination (square) of a HI; MARU DOME - rounded termination.
• KAKU Mune: Mune flat (square).
• Kamakura MONO (L. things Kamakura) term that usually indicates the blades made by spadai Masamune, Yukimitsu, Shintogo Kunimitsu and Sadamine group in the province of Sagami.
• KADO KAMASU opp. KAMASU TSUKURI: large tip with fukuro law.
• kamishimo ZASHI: Daishi swords in simple black lacquer frame.
• KAMURI Jizo: the tip of the BOSH which extends towards the wire to which is dissolving.
• KAMURI Otoshi: Mune thinned for most of the length of the blade.
• KANASUJI: CHIKEI line near the wire.
• KANA Toku: anvil.
• KANJI (L. character rolls) Chinese characters, basic writing ideogrammatic.
• No KAN HA: Thin HAMON law is narrowed almost to the wire at the Yokota, before folding in BOSH.
• Kansei no HA: HAMON having irregular crystallization NIE on YAKIBA equal to that of the same HAMON.
• KANTEI study and evaluation of the blades.
• KARAKAMI NAKAGO: method of forging a blade welding NAKAGO a "genuine" on a blade of poor quality.
• KARASUGUCHI: failure of the blade-shaped beak (raven).
• KARA TACHI: primitive Chinese decorative swords with the tip in the shape of Ken.
• Karaya TACHI: mount of swords copied by the Chinese around 730 AD.
• No KAREKI MIDARE: HAMON particular type of irregular zig-zag with "gnarled branches.
• KARIMA KITA: BOSH crystallisation NIE shaped paw wild goose.
• KASAGIZORI V. TORIIZORI (regular curvature of a blade).
• Kasane: size, thickness of a blade.
• KASANEME Ataru: lame AWATAGUCHI group whose base has a thicker than normal.
• kashira: tip of the handle, knob (See TSUKA GASHIRA).
• No KASUMI Oshii: crystallization NIOI vague on blades of Bizen smith Yoshikage.
• Kasuri Kokoro: crystallization along the NIE and HAMON YAKIBA spruzzatavi seems, sometimes present on blades of the group MIHARA.
• No Kasuri Oshii: NIE crystallization rather large as they were sprayed.
• KATACHIRI V. CHIR; the flat surface that is between one and JI shinogi.
NOTE: This is a blade with shinogi (and hence the tapering edge) from one side while the other is flat.
• KATA MASSUGU: HAMON type SUGUBA subtle but decided to close the swordsmith Yoshitsugu and thick blades.
• Katame: thin sheet of steel suspended for one side to test the ability of a cutting blade (See Tameshigiri).
• Katana sword long range with the wire end up stuck in cingivita (Obi) by the Samurai.
• KATANA DAISHIYO: The proper way to go (give) a knife to another person.
• KATANAGARI 'means the Confiscation of weapons made by General Hideyoshi.
• HAI KATANA: false edge, the back of a sword.
• KATANA HIRA as "plate" of a sword.
• KATANA Kaji: blacksmith swordsmith.
KATANA • Kake: traditional horizontal support for Katana.
• KATANA KIZU (L. wound of the sword) imperfections or defects that may have a blade (see KIZU).
• KATANA MEI: signature of a blade from side to use a katana said omote (See MEI).
• KATANA SHIN: body of a knife or sword (without NAKAGO).
• KATANA TOGISHI: politore swords.
• KATANA Tsutsui: cardboard sword painted container.
• KATAOCHI ergonomics: ergonomics HAMON type tilted sawtooth.
• KATASHINOGI KATAKIRIBA TSUKURI: asymmetrically shaped blades completely flat on one side, then with one sharp.
• KATA UNOKUBI: is called back edge which is tapered asymmetrically on one side.
• KATTA agar marks file on NAKAGO going slightly upward (left).
• KATTA SAGAR: Signs of file on NAKAGO going slightly down (left).
• Kawazu no KO Choji opp. Kawazu Choji: Choji very elongated tadpole-shaped.
• KAWAGANE (L. skin of metal) surface of a steel blade.
• KAWAHIKEN: engravings that can play a KESS, filled with colored glass paste.
• KAWAKAMIBE Tsurugi: the 1000 swords produced in Kawakami Shirin.
• Kawase: drawings in sand dunes in an irregular HAMON.
• Kazu UCHIMONO: standardized production of blades
• Keiko: the sensation that you receive or handle a blade dall'impugnare:
1) Keiki Iyashi - feeling of strength, power
2) Keiki Jing - feeling of security, defense
3) Keiki Susudoi - feelings of sadness or austerity
• KEN: ancient sword with two wires - Buddhist symbolic sword.
• KEN BI: engraving on a blade of a performance of Chinese sword, two-wire, which is used as horimono Buddhist.
• KENBÔ MIDARE: HAMON type Choji zigzag made by swordsmith KENBÔ.
• Kendo: the modern art of handling the sword.
• KENGO Choji: HAMON type Choji, shaped like a fist.
• KENGYO: terminator NAKAGO pointed symmetrical like a Ken.
• Kenji Muki: overestimation of a sword when it becomes a gift.
• KENS: indication of the fortune of a man with designs on the blade of his sword.
• KEN Takahē: an ancient term for the handle and / or the hilt of a sword.
• KENUKI GATA TACHI: ancient TACHI manufactured in one piece, with perforated grip.
• Kesan: Hada blade similar to NASHIJI (slice of pear).
• KESH Yasur: Signs of file "decorative" on NAKAGO.
• KEZURIDAI: block or support to secure a blade during the operation of filing.
• KIBAHA: HAMON spur of demon or sawtooth edges.
• KIDACHI V. Bokuto; wooden sword used in duels.
• No KIE NIE: crystallization NIOI that resembles the NIE, on certain YAKIBA Norimune blades.
• KIJI MOMO: NAKAGO shaped leg of pheasant.
• KIJINO TACHI: TACHI to wear during visits Imperial.
• KIKUBA: HAMON presenting the design of a small chrysanthemum just below the Yokota.
• KIKU ichimonji: signature consists of a chrysanthemum as the character or a chrysanthemum petals on 8 or 16 blades of Bizen Norimune HAMON.
• KIKU GYOSAKU: Gotoba blades produced by the emperor and marked with the chrysanthemum (See GOSH YAKI not TACHI).
• No Kikuko MIDARE: row of chrysanthemum flowers on HAMON Hôjôji of Kunimitsu.
• KIKUSUI BA: HAMON with chrysanthemum flowers "on the water flowing."
• KIN MEI (L. signature gold) signed a swordsmith inlaid with gold lacquer or painted by an expert.
NOTE: usually carried out by family members Honami.
• KINSUJI: pale golden line on or along a HAMON or YAKIBA.
• KINZÔGAN MEI: KIN MEI inlaid with gold.
• KIO Zori: regular curvature of a blade, the same Torii Zori.
• Kiri HA: shinogi with the blade near the wire and that it follows the line.
• Kiri HAS TACHI: Long TACHI with kissaki right.
• Kiri HAS TSUKURI: ancient blade with parallel sides that meet both the wire.
• KIRIKAKE: HAMON product group Kosor with rows of small "dots" as erasures.
• Kiri KOMI: nicks on the blade due to a fight that should remove the polish.
• KIRIMONO: horimono synonymous.
• KIRIMONO MEZURASHI: horimono on a type of blade that rarely bears.
• KIRIMONO TOGARI TATAZU: horimono of special grace, lightness and finish school SÔSHÛ.
• Kiri NAKAGO End of NAKAGO cut square to the net, usually found on blades shortened.
• Kiri SUJI CHIGAI: signs of the NAKAGO file.
• Kiri tameshi: try cutting blades, the same as Tameshigiri.
• kissaki the tip of a blade from Yokota to the top.
• KITA: forging.
• KITA KATA: methods of forging.
• KITAENOBE heating and hammering.
• KIZU: imperfections and / or defects that may have a blade.
• Kobus TSUKURI: method of forging blades consisting of a core of mild steel coated with hard steel.
• KOBUSHIGATA Choji: HAMON groups of Choji nearly resembling the undulating profile of a closed fist.
• KOCHOJI: HAMON are small Choji.
• Kodachi: Short TACHI 2 shaku long or less, used in the Kamakura period.
• KODOGU (L. small accessories) all those small metal objects that complete the frame of a blade.
• Kodomo Daishi: Daishi children.
• KOFUDA means a certificate issued by experts from the family Honam blade of less than 5 gold pieces.
• KOGA: led pin in a special slot in the sheath on the opposite side of the Kozuka.
• KOGARASU TSUKURI: is called a traditional blade shape but has the kissaki sharpened on both sides.
• KOGATANA: small boxcutter handyman, slipped into a side pocket of the Saya Wakizashi where he was on the inside, on the other side of the KOGA (if present).
• KOIGUCHI (L. carp mouth) the mouth of the Saya.
• KOJIBÔ: equipment to correct a twisted blade.
• Kojiro: termination or bottom of the sheath is also called SAYAJIRI.
• KOKADO: BOSH a little bit.
• KOKONUTSUKA Tsurugi (Tsurugi nine L. handles) old way of measuring the length of the blades (in this case nine times the long handle).
• KOMARU (L. small circle) BOSH shape of a small circle.
• KOMASAME: Hada to dense grain long.
• KOME: MEI performed in small characters.
• KOMI: types of terminal NAKAGO form.
• KOMID: HAMON or part type MIDARE slightly accentuated.
• KOMOKUME: Hada small Mokum, also called NOGIHADA.
• KONASHIMONO: SHINTO blades made during the period in imitation of those of the aesthetic period koto.
• KONETSUCHI: cloth of very fine steel in the blades of the Higo ENJU.
• KONGÔSHA: type of stone used for polishing the blades.
• KONIE: small crystals along the NIE HAMON.
• KONOHAGITAE: pieces of iron stowed like leaves before the forging.
• KONUKA Hada: Hada very fine grain of the style of Hizen.
• Koseki: blade of the ancient province of Seki MINO, with no NIE HAMON.
• KOSHI ATE: pieces of skin which was set when the swords are brought.
• KOSHI BA: The area of a few inches above the MACHI where there are several types of HAMON.
• KOSHI gatana: small knife, the same as KOSHIZASHI and / or KOSHIMONO.
• KOSHI HI HI part of which extends to kissaki.
• KOSHI HIRAKITARU MIDARE: HAMON irregular circles and closed.
• KO shinogi that portion of shinogi that bends and reaches the back of a knife.
• KO shinogi SAKI (L. Ko shinogi tip of) the point at which knock shinogi touches the Mune.
• KOSHI Mitsuko: "swollen" irregular lines near the base of the edge of a blade.
• KOSHIMONO: once was a short blade, most recently those worn in the belt.
• Koshirae: kit complete with a blade: Saya, Tsuki, Tsuba and KODOGU.
• KOSHI ZASHI: see KOSHIGATANA, a small knife.
• KOSHIZORI: curvature of a blade significantly moved near the base, mainly used before 1335.
• KOSUJI CHIGAI YASURIME: Signs of the sloping NAKAGO file, see KATTA Sagar.
• KOTO: antique swords manufactured before 1003 or all swords manufactured before 1596.
• KOTO No SUNSHAKU: Ancient Chinese meter to measure the length of the blades used during the koto.
• KOUCHI KATANA: short sword used before the advent of the Wakizashi.
• KOWAKIZASHI: Short Wakizashi length between one and one Shaku Shaku plus four SUN.
• KOZORI: generic name of the various branches of the school Osafune group Bizen.
• Kozuka: small boxcutter inserted in to the Saya.
• KUBIKAKI KATANA: a short cut to many destinations on the last bit of skin after a Seppuku.
• KUBIKIRI (L. cutting the neck) was both synonymous KUBIKAKI KATANA is a short, curved and sharp knife cut off tool.
• KUDARI ASHI: HAMON sometimes irregularly oblique typical of spadai Kanehira and Motoshige group Bizen.
• Kuge TACHI: TACHI Imperial (Kuge was the name given to the court nobility).
• KUICHIGAI: long lines and NIE NIOI incrociantisi crystals that give the feeling as if he had nibbled HAMON.
• KUMI IRE: HAMON whether they arise partly double.
• KUMI IRE YAKIBA: ASHI that intersect at a right HAMON.
• Kumo Hada: Hada type that looks like it was a bank of clouds.
• Kumo TSURIAI: HAMON crystal clear and well marked with NIE which seem puffy clouds.
• KUMONO IHAD: lines that may be present in a Hada occurring whitish and grainy like a spider web.
• KUMORI Gane: surface "cloud" of un'HADA Nio your typical school.
• KURIGATA "the bulge in chestnut" applied to the sheath through which is threaded SAGE.
• KURIJIRI: terminator NAKAGO chestnut-shaped (rounded asymmetrical).
• KURIKARA: horimono typically consists of a dragon that wraps around a sword.
• kurikata V. KURIGATA.
• Kuruma TACHI Sword TACHI type suitable to be worn in a vehicle.
• KUSUN GOBU: LOTS of approximately 23 cm suitable for piercing armor, the same as YORO DOSHI.
• KUTSUROGU: rough forged blade with coarse Hada.
• KUWAKO: BOSH-shaped head of the silkworm.
• Kuwana UCHI: imitation (or counterfeit) of the blades of the Bizen by the Kuwana manufacture of and / or ISE.
• Kwai-KEN: (or KAI-KEN) Short BOTH hidden in clothing worn by women.
• Kwak (or KAKI) defect NAKAGO too heated in the hardening.
• Kwak ARU MONO: lack of a damaged blade in a fire.
• KYÔDEN: forging a method used in Kyoto, a formula for mixing steels (See JIGANE).
Formulas: (T. Tetsu = - m = Momme)
• Steel surface (medium hardness)
Kyoto Bizen Sôshû
Hoch T. 50 m. 75 m. (Between two)
Chigusa T. 100 m. 150 m "
Dewa T. 50 m. 0 m. "
Sen T. 100 m. 75 m. "
• Steel wire (high hardness)
Kyoto Bizen Sôshû
Hoch T. 100 m. 100 m. (Between two)
Chigusa T. 100 m. 150 m "
Dewa T. 100 m. 100 m. "
Sen T. 100 m. 100 m. "
• Steel for the core (low hardness) mixed with pleasure.
• Kyogen Daishi: Daishi superior aesthetic representations used for Kabuki.
• KYO no GOKAJI: five famous blacksmiths SHINTO Kyoto
1) Iga no Kami Kinmichi
2) Tanba no Kami Yoshimi
3) Izumi no Kami Rai Kinmichi
4) Omi no Kami Hisamichi
5) Etchu no Kami Masatoshi

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