Soap's PH

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Messaggi: 5949
Iscritto il: 31/03/2010, 18:26
Località: Milano - Chieti

Soap's PH

Messaggio da Aldebaran »

Increasingly, advertising tries to convince us that the ideal soap for the skin has a pH of 5.5. Too bad this is, as usual, a largely incorrect information.
The pH is a scale measuring the acidity of aqueous solution. Roughly ranges from 0 (very acidic solution) to 14 (very basic solution). Distilled water has a pH of 7 (neutral).

In the case of soap, which is a solid, the pH measurement is only meaningful if it dissolves in water and also depends on how much water.

So talking about a pH of soap is somewhat imprecise, but estimates can be made.

In particular, the soap is still a salt that releases OH-ions in water and then gives rise to base solutions. Typically, in the case of soap products in the home, the pH of soap dissolved takes values between 8.5 and 10. Increasing the water with which it melts down further.

The soap is so basic, but the skin perfectly tolerate these values basicity although the public tends to convince us to use detergents (in this case could not be soap) at pH 5.5.

Actually the fact that the soap has a pH such favors conservation as bacteria and friends do not proliferate with Questro pH. Conversely detergents with pH 5.5 favors the growth of bacteria and all liquids must therefore contain antibacterial agents or antifungal.

PH values higher than 10 to 10.5 but can dry the skin. Then:

• Practise the discount soda (min 3%)
• season left your soap for at least 1 month if not more to allow the saponification is complete.
If your soap dry skin or are difficult to flush then you have probably weighed the wrong dose, or have not been patient enough to wait before using the soap!

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